Why hand washing is vital with food safety

Washing hands in catering situations with mobile sinks

Food handlers must wash their hands regularly – and effectively

The presence of bacteria in catering situations is often exacerbated by poor hygiene in the kitchen, which is why effective hand washing needs to be carried out on a regular basis, according to a recent report on the Virtual College website.

The article by Emma Brook deals with two main areas, namely food-borne illnesses and how to wash thoroughly.

Ms Brook refers to advice from the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control, which details the high survival rate of bacteria in a catering environment and their advice that frequent hand washing is vital.

The need for thorough hand washing

Ineffective hand washing is of limited value – it needs to be carried out both thoroughly and frequently according to the report. And appropriate facilities must be available at the point of need, something which can prove quite a challenge, particularly in a mobile catering situation.

“To encourage thorough hand washing, employers should makes sure hand basins are convenient and have plenty of soap and disposable towels.”

Food safety: Why washing your hands is crucial »

Hand wash units for mobile caterers

TEAL hand wash portable sinks are the perfect solution for the food-related and catering industries. The comprehensive range meets the most exacting requirements of any Environmental Health Officer.

Ideal for all catering related businesses such as Street Food suppliers, retailers, farmers’ markets and kiosks, outside catering, fast food outlets, ice cream vendors, coffee kiosks, sandwich bars and all other forms of mobile catering. TEAL hand wash units are also perfect for customers who use your facilities.

The TEAL range of mobile sinks for caterers »

The TEAL WashStand – wheel it to where you want it!

WashStand portable sinks for home care
