Author Archives: Phil

Hand hygiene programme results in children improving adults’ hand washing habits

Why washing properly is so important Some very interesting conclusions which support the importance and [...]

“Clean hands save lives” says CDC in handwashing reminder

Its one of the best ways to help prevent illness It’s vital that everyone should [...]

Global Handwashing Day 2022 – 15 October

The importance of effective soap and water hand washing October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, [...]

Mobile handwash stations to try out at the Care Show 2022

Featuring mobile hand washing units for care home staff and visitors Try them out for yourself [...]

Hand washing the “most important piece of advice” for food preparation

Clean hands and clean clothes are essential says report It’s vital for anyone preparing food [...]

Handwashing levels in catering situations are declining says report

In just under 2 years 79 percent has reduced to 68 percent The pandemic focused [...]