Hand washing one of the most important safety considerations on farm visits says NFU
Washing facilities must be provided and adequately maintained they say Managing the risk of disease [...]
Warning to parents over deadly E.coli outbreak ‘mainly affecting children’
Children seem particularly vulnerable says report There were 24 reported cases of the Shiga-toxin producing [...]
Why and how to teach hand washing to young children
Soap and water use is essential with dirty hands says UNICEF It’s vitally important to [...]
44% of music festival goers blame “lack of washing facilities” for NEVER washing their hands!
Horrifying research reveals that 22% don’t wash their hands at all! All kinds of festivals [...]
South Australia – increase in RSV cases prompts hand washing call
Warning that hand hygiene is less of a priority than it should be The number [...]
Nail salons urged to maintain effective hand washing
Safety and hygiene advice issued for nail technicians It’s apparently “a good time to be [...]
Hand-washing plays a “significant role in workplace wellness”
It makes a huge contribution to wellbeing and productivity says report When company employees wash [...]
Try out these mobile children’s hand wash units at nasen LIVE 2023
Gets “hands on” with KiddiSynk and KiddiWash Xtra mobile sinks on stand 47 They are [...]