Why it’s important to have temporary mobile hand wash stations at the ready

Hospitals and care homes cannot function without hand washing facilities Having a number of temporary [...]

5 compelling reasons why street food caterers must have a handwash unit

NCASS make a convincing case for washing hands with soap and water For any caterers [...]

These are the mobile handwash stations you will be able to try at the IPS NW branch conference

Just wheel them to where they’re needed and plug them in… On Wednesday 20th April [...]

Mobile handwash stations to try out at DECON UK 2023

Try out mobile handwash stations that can be positioned at the point of need The [...]

Handwash units for vans, trucks and powered trailers – try them out at the Commercial Vehicle Show

Get “hands on” with the perfect hygiene solution for the mobile workforce See them on stand [...]

Norovirus: wash hands with soap and water in care home settings says HPSC

Guidance highlights the ineffectiveness of alcohol gels There has been an increase in the number [...]

Wash with soap and water not hand sanitiser at petting zoos says County Council

Infections caught from animals can be harmful warns guidance There are many venues where youngsters [...]