Teal hand washing equipment supports the national COVID-19 vaccination programme

A key supplier of hand wash units The programme of life-saving coronavirus jabs has now [...]

Guidance stresses frequent soap and water hand washing for returning children

Welsh government gives hand hygiene a very high priority Vulnerable children will be joined by [...]

Infection control in care homes

The need for hand wash basins with running water Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, care [...]

Getting effective hand washing to the point of need

Video screen ensures hand washing compliance It is impossible to understate the challenge that has [...]

Handwashing focus renewed in construction sector

The need to make building sites COVID-secure Effective hand hygiene within the construction sector is [...]

Covid-19: the importance of hand hygiene

Soap and water washing ensures that the virus “is swept away and destroyed” The importance [...]

Handwashing “the most important part of personal hygiene” in care homes – report

Soap and water wash essential if hands are physically dirty A list of top ten [...]

Washing hands before eating – how many Australians aren’t getting it right…

Everyone has been taught how important hand hygiene is – so why is it still [...]