School return: eight out of ten parents worried about their children’s poor hand hygiene

Nearly a third of children won’t remember to wash their hands after coughing says worrying [...]

Call for to beauty salons to be more rigorous with infection control

The days of salons offering just manicures, waxing and pedicures are long gone says report [...]

Jamaica: effective hand washing with portable sinks that save water

With COVID-19, hand hygiene is more important than ever in the West Indies Portable hand [...]

Hand washing with soap and water instead of gels could help avoid an “armageddon situation”

“…handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus” Warnings have been issued regarding the [...]

“Outdoor basins encouraging regular hand washing” as schools return

Children will discover a very different school environment All children in England and Wales are [...]

How hand washing works to control coronavirus

What makes good hand hygiene so effective against the virus? When people wash their hands, [...]

Welsh Government reinforces hand washing message as workers return to the office

Good hand hygiene practices are essential to help keep staff as safe as possible Guidance [...]

Hand washing is more important than ever for school children in Scotland

A real focus on teaching hand hygiene as the schools return Enhanced hygiene measures “must [...]