Hand washing made easy for children by portable sinks

Mobile sinks teach hand hygiene “…they make washing hands fun” Members of staff at a nursery school [...]

The Handeman Xtra – making hand washing on the move even better for van drivers

Delivery and maintenance staff can wash hands effectively wherever they are Breaking new ground in cost [...]

Soap and water hand wash far more effective than alcohol gels

“Alcohol-based hand rub cannot penetrate organic material” There are many instances when washing hands with [...]

Supervise children’s hand washing advise Public Health England

E. coli outbreak makes hand hygiene even more important The latest outbreak of E. coli O157, [...]

How the Variant provided hand washing solution for Kathryn’s Homemade Cakes

“The Variant unit is perfect!” – Kathryn Matthews Kathryn Matthews is the driving force behind [...]

Hand hygiene – hot tips for festival food vendors

Hand washing during the festival season Visitors to festivals do not always follow hand washing [...]

Hand hygiene priority for Jamaican street food outlet

“Hand washing facilities always available” Mr Jerk is a real Jamaican pop up stall, based in the [...]

How teachers can help protect children against bacterial infections

Kids can wash their hands anywhere with mobile sinks With summer on the way, educating children [...]