Patients contract norovirus from hospital visitors

Herefordshire – “strict” infection control measures in place There have been a number of norovirus outbreaks [...]

UNICEF – save huge numbers of children’s lives with effective hand washing

Why teaching hand washing is so important 1.4 million children a year die from “largely [...]

How the FHRS can help street food businesses succeed

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme certificate should be a high priority There are an incredible number of small business [...]

Food hygiene is top priority for customers

Poor service preferable to bad hand hygiene says report 75 percent of consumers surveyed would [...]

Why hands are the key to halting norovirus spread

Thorough hand washing is so important “The tools for reducing the spread of norovirus are in [...]

Mobile street traders must have “purpose-made wash hand basin” – Salford

Salford City Council emphasise need for hand washing facilities Vital hand hygiene compliance information as [...]

Takeaway hand hygiene lapse has disastrous effect on customers

Why hand washing is so important with takeaway food A lack of hand hygiene had [...]

Street food vendors – how to excel at an inspection

Good health and safety standards are critical The Health & Safety Policy document is just the first [...]