Category Archives: Beauty industry

Mobile handwash sinks to try out at Professional Beauty London

Featuring specialist hand washing units for the aesthetics and beauty industries See them on Stand [...]

A beauty business with no mains water supply?

Why the HandSpa fully automatic hand washing basin could be perfect for your business! Delivering [...]

10 reasons why the Super Stallette may be the perfect mobile sink for you!

Compelling reasons to buy this cutting edge fully automatic hand washing basin Portable, practical and [...]

Mobile handwash basin needs no mains water – focus on the Hygienius

Just one of the Teal sink range that can be positioned exactly where it’s needed! [...]

UKHSA norovirus update – “wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water”

Warning reveals that sanitisers just don’t work in the face of rapid illness spread Norovirus [...]

Salon hand washing guidance – soap and water washing essential when hands are “visibly soiled”

Basins should be designated for hand washing only says beauty sector leader The Schwarzkopf Salon [...]

5 of the best mobile sinks for beauty and aesthetics businesses

Hand washing with soap and water is crucial in all salons, pop-up stalls and related [...]

Call for diligent handwashing across the UK as Kawasaki variant becomes dominant

New strain of norovirus seems to be sweeping the country Norovirus – also known as [...]