Category Archives: Beauty industry

Try out these mobile handwash units for yourself at Professional Beauty London

Featuring mobile hand wash stations for those in the beauty and aesthetics industry See them on [...]

“Clean hands save lives” says CDC in handwashing reminder

Its one of the best ways to help prevent illness It’s vital that everyone should [...]

Try out these fabulous hand washing units at Beauty UK!

Featuring mobile and relocatable sinks for those in the beauty and aesthetics industry See us [...]

Professional Beauty London: your chance to try out mobile handwash units for beauty businesses

Practical demonstrations of the benefits and ease of use of relocatable sinks Try them out [...]

Try handwash units at the Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition

Featuring mobile hand washing units for those in the beauty and aesthetics industry. Try them out [...]

Handwashing helps control the spread of viruses AND bacteria

They spread in a variety of ways – but both can be kept in check [...]

How nail techs want you to wash your hands

Focus on scrubbing the nails – and drying properly It’s absolutely vital to make full [...]

The “lurking” winter bug that can only be controlled with soap and waster washing

Hand sanitiser won’t protect anyone from norovirus says report Winter last year was punctuated by [...]