Category Archives: Food preparation

How TEAL mobile sinks and portable basins can help provide effective hand washing for caterers and all those involved in food preparation.

“Make sure you’re not making common hand-washing mistakes”

NHS Choices emphasise the importance of soap and water – used properly It seems that [...]

Norovirus and shellfish – gels are no substitute for soap and water

Why effective hand washing is vital as a safety measure The revelation that came to [...]

Why you should always wash your hands with soap and water…

You don’t need “fancy soaps” – just the right technique! The World Health Organization (WHO) [...]

Why hand washing is essential for food trucks in the USA (or anywhere else)

Critical risk factors among food trucks Food trucks have been around in the USA since [...]

New Zealand and Australia – warning to wash hands regularly

FSIC urges use of correct hand hygiene techniques A worryingly large number of influenza outbreaks [...]

Cake – and handwashing – at Macmillan coffee morning

We Are The Fuel hosts event in Coleshill Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is a [...]

Food handlers who don’t wash hands “can make hundreds of people sick”

20 second rule for hand washing Everyone these days knows that they should wash their [...]

Handeman Xtra provides portable hand washing facilities for Deveron Projects

Hand hygiene deemed essential for events which include the provision of food Mobile hand washing [...]