Category Archives: Food preparation

How TEAL mobile sinks and portable basins can help provide effective hand washing for caterers and all those involved in food preparation.

Open farm visitors contract Cryptosporidium – prompting call for hand washing facilities

Public Health Wales advocates soap and water wash after animal contact A number of people [...]

Why would you buy food from sandwich van staff that don’t wash their hands?

Handling money, then picking up food with dirty hands… Since the pandemic began, a larger [...]

Farm Shop and Deli Show: your chance to try out mobile handwash units

Practical demonstrations of the benefits and ease of use of relocatable sinks Try them out [...]

Nothing works as well as hand washing when it comes to viruses

And this is why it’s so effective… Washing hands under (ideally) running water, giving them [...]

Handwashing helps control the spread of viruses AND bacteria

They spread in a variety of ways – but both can be kept in check [...]

Catering: warning of a simple hygiene mistake that there’s a 99% chance of making!

There’s an easy remedy says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The need for [...]

Food poisoning warning issued to Australians

Trying to cut down on a million visits to doctors annually in the country A [...]

Hygiene standards are crucial for street food traders – wherever they are!

Hand washing facilities are vital – in any location Hand washing importance has become more [...]