Category Archives: Medical and healthcare
Portable hand wash stations and mobile sinks and basins can provide effective hand washing where it’s required – at the point of need! A key element in the fight against norovirus and C-Diff.
FSIC warning: wash hands with soap and water – not gels
Norovirus can only be controlled with hand washing says Council Vomiting and diarrhoea are some [...]
World Hand Hygiene Day 2021
Seconds save lives – clean your hands! World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated every year on [...]
Ditch the antibacs – use soap and water for hand washing: the evidence is overwhelming…
Why soap and water are the dream team when it comes to infection control There’s [...]
Soap and water hand washing is crucial: health problems are looming with sanitisers…
The five perceived dangers of hand gels outlined in report Although hand sanitisers are currently [...]
Teal hand washing equipment supports the national COVID-19 vaccination programme
A key supplier of hand wash units The programme of life-saving coronavirus jabs has now [...]
Getting effective hand washing to the point of need
Video screen ensures hand washing compliance It is impossible to understate the challenge that has [...]
Covid-19: the importance of hand hygiene
Soap and water washing ensures that the virus “is swept away and destroyed” The importance [...]
How COVID-19 is removed from hands with soap and water washing
Just washing the microorganisms down the drain is by far the most effective way COVID-19, [...]