Category Archives: Medical and healthcare
Portable hand wash stations and mobile sinks and basins can provide effective hand washing where it’s required – at the point of need! A key element in the fight against norovirus and C-Diff.
If you don’t wash hands properly you could “sabotage” the whole process warning issued
Hopefully the handwash “splash and dash” has long gone… Washing hands in the past was [...]
Medical facilities: why mobile hand wash units are vital during planned maintenance or water outages
How even large hospital buildings can stay open… The tactical use of portable sinks is an [...]
Hand washing facilities for visitors to hospitals “have never been more important”
Why hand washing campaigns need to be focused on visitors Effective hand hygiene has clearly become more [...]
Video: it should take 20 seconds to wash your hands properly. Here’s why…
Containing the spread of coronavirus with effective hand hygiene The Department of Health and Social [...]
How portable hand wash units are becoming crucial during infection outbreaks – including coronavirus
Regular hand washing with soap and water “the most effective method” Coronavirus, now named Covid-19, [...]
Portable sinks can help control infection issues and planned water outages
The benefits of portable handwash stations in a medical environment Chris Whieldon, sales director of Teal [...]
Coronavirus – why are gels selling out when there is a much better solution at hand?
Soap and water washing is more effective – and is the only option with dirty [...]
SARS or coronavirus – hand washing is key says WHO professor
The “most important” way to stop the spread of either There are many direct parallels [...]