Category Archives: Medical and healthcare

Portable hand wash stations and mobile sinks and basins can provide effective hand washing where it’s required – at the point of need! A key element in the fight against norovirus and C-Diff.

Soap and water hand wash far more effective than alcohol gels

“Alcohol-based hand rub cannot penetrate organic material” There are many instances when washing hands with [...]

Hand washing the key message – Hand Hygiene Tour

Effective hand hygiene with soap and water The Hand Hygiene Torch Tour (‘spread the message, not the [...]

Infection prevention – hand washing is “key factor”

The importance of hand washing – wherever you are Washing hands with soap and water [...]

Dentists asked to promote hand washing online

Important role to play in preventing infection spread A call to action for dental professionals [...]

Patients contract norovirus from hospital visitors

Herefordshire – “strict” infection control measures in place There have been a number of norovirus outbreaks [...]

Why hands are the key to halting norovirus spread

Thorough hand washing is so important “The tools for reducing the spread of norovirus are in [...]

UNICEF – hand washing essential to cut child death rates

Global Hand Washing Day focuses attention More than 800 children die every day as a [...]

Video – how West Suffolk Hospital launched effective hand washing campaign

Hand washing at the point of need is the key Four mobile sinks were deployed [...]