Category Archives: Schools and nurseries

Mobile sinks and portable basins for younger children, teaching them effective hand washing with easy to use Kiddiwash warm water hand wash units. Robust, portable, easy to use and easy to clean!

Guidance stresses frequent soap and water hand washing for returning children

Welsh government gives hand hygiene a very high priority Vulnerable children will be joined by [...]

Calls for hand washing vigilance as illness sweeps through Australian childcare centres

Hand hygiene has been a Gold Coast focus for a while says report Australians have [...]

Kids are washing hands more than ever – infectious diseases reduce dramatically in schools

Even the common cold is in decline as effective hand hygiene brings huge benefits A [...]

How hand washing with portable sinks is saving lives and water in South Africa

Effective hand washing is more important than ever in South Africa because of COVID-19 Teal [...]

Hand washing with soap and water instead of gels could help avoid an “armageddon situation”

“…handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus” Warnings have been issued regarding the [...]

“Outdoor basins encouraging regular hand washing” as schools return

Children will discover a very different school environment All children in England and Wales are [...]

Hand washing is more important than ever for school children in Scotland

A real focus on teaching hand hygiene as the schools return Enhanced hygiene measures “must [...]

Why kids should be armed with “good handwashing habits”

Children should be taught to wash throughout the day says AAP Handwashing – the most [...]