Category Archives: Care homes

Hand washing with soap and water “to best protect yourself from catching coronavirus”

Effective hand hygiene is vital – however the virus is spread Coughing, talking, sneezing or [...]

Hand washing with soap and water instead of gels could help avoid an “armageddon situation”

“…handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus” Warnings have been issued regarding the [...]

If you don’t wash hands properly you could “sabotage” the whole process warning issued

Hopefully the handwash “splash and dash” has long gone… Washing hands in the past was [...]

Reinforce hand hygiene measures in long term care facilities advises CDC

“Keep COVID-19 from entering your facility” As coronavirus cases continue to spread across the globe, [...]

Care homes – hand washing is the “single most important activity” for infection prevention

Why mobile hand wash units should be an integral part of any infection control policy [...]

The importance of mobile hand wash units to care homes

Care homes must have an outbreak plan ready Residents have much in common in a [...]

How portable hand wash units are becoming crucial during infection outbreaks – including coronavirus

Regular hand washing with soap and water “the most effective method” Coronavirus, now named Covid-19, [...]

People need to learn how to wash their hands properly to avoid COVID-19

Quite simply, it’s the best way to reduce the risk of catching communicable diseases Soap [...]