Category Archives: General news
If you don’t wash hands properly you could “sabotage” the whole process warning issued
Hopefully the handwash “splash and dash” has long gone… Washing hands in the past was [...]
Why good old paper towels seem to be the most effective way to dry hands after washing
The paper towel is deemed to apply the finishing touch in the hand hygiene process [...]
People need to learn how to wash their hands properly to avoid COVID-19
Quite simply, it’s the best way to reduce the risk of catching communicable diseases Soap [...]
Coronavirus – why are gels selling out when there is a much better solution at hand?
Soap and water washing is more effective – and is the only option with dirty [...]
Coronavirus is best contained by hand washing says report
While some guidance will change, effective hand hygiene will always be the highest priority More [...]
Norovirus – stay at home and wash hands with soap and water guidance
“Alcohol hand gels don’t kill norovirus” There has been a further recent surge of the [...]
“Only hand-washing will prevent spread of Norovirus” – ThinkNoro public health campaign
Why everyone needs a soap and water handwash… As the weather grows colder, reported incidents [...]
Handwashing a focus for British athletes – wherever they’re training
Hand hygiene emphasis “in the hunt for marginal gains” British athletes will soon be instructed in [...]