Category Archives: Workforce hand washing
How employers can provide effective hand washing for their workforce, including on building sites, van and truck drivers, farms, factories. In fact anywhere a hand wash is needed and required in line with Health and Safety requirements. Portable, robust, easy to clean and easy to use.
Handwashing focus as thousands return to the workplace
Everyone will need to be “hyper-vigilant about germs” As the attention of employers and employees [...]
Handwashing focus renewed in construction sector
The need to make building sites COVID-secure Effective hand hygiene within the construction sector is [...]
Covid-19: the importance of hand hygiene
Soap and water washing ensures that the virus “is swept away and destroyed” The importance [...]
Hand washing with soap and water “to best protect yourself from catching coronavirus”
Effective hand hygiene is vital – however the virus is spread Coughing, talking, sneezing or [...]
Workplace safety – soap and water hand washing removes viral contaminants
Gels not quite as good when attempting to make a place of work COVID-secure “Employers [...]
Soap and water or sanitiser? If hands are visibly dirty there really is no contest!
The dangers that can lurk under the dirt on hands… Washing hands thoroughly with soap [...]
Building facilities managers – bring hand hygiene to the fore for ALL building occupants
The COVID-19 challenge faced by janitorial and facility cleaning managers There is an increasing “nod” [...]
Hand washing with soap and water instead of gels could help avoid an “armageddon situation”
“…handwashing is the best way to stave off coronavirus” Warnings have been issued regarding the [...]