Category Archives: Workforce hand washing
How employers can provide effective hand washing for their workforce, including on building sites, van and truck drivers, farms, factories. In fact anywhere a hand wash is needed and required in line with Health and Safety requirements. Portable, robust, easy to clean and easy to use.
People need to learn how to wash their hands properly to avoid COVID-19
Quite simply, it’s the best way to reduce the risk of catching communicable diseases Soap [...]
Coronavirus – why are gels selling out when there is a much better solution at hand?
Soap and water washing is more effective – and is the only option with dirty [...]
Coronavirus is best contained by hand washing says report
While some guidance will change, effective hand hygiene will always be the highest priority More [...]
Survey: almost 50% of workers think they’ve fallen ill because of poor office hygiene
Beware of workstations and telephones says report A worrying recent story from Australia has referred [...]
Hand washing is the key to helping control these 14 diseases
The “key to keeping you healthy” Hand washing is important. Very important. Good old soap [...]
Some of the most compelling reasons to wash your hands that you can imagine!
If this doesn’t put hand hygiene at the top of your list… There are many [...]
Why soap and water hand washing is preferable to gels
Hand sanitiser isn’t too good at actually sanitising it seems… It’s quite a common scenario [...]
The Top 5 reasons why engineers need vehicle mounted hand wash units
Ensuring that fleet vehicles meet with health and safety regulations Hand hygiene can be a [...]