The remarkable award-winning Hygienius ProWash – portable hot water hand washing for healthcareprofessionals.
Contaminated hands are the major cause of the spread of healthcare acquired infections (HCAIs) including MRSA, clostridium difficile and norovirus. They have also been instrumental in the rapid progress of other serious infections in hospitals and clinics such as E.coli.
That’s why it’s so important to have high quality hot water hand washing facilities available precisely where they’re needed – and exactly why the Hygienius ProWash is so important for vital infection control.
The Hygienius ProWash wash / rinse cycle is designed to match the World Health Organization Guidelines “Clean hands protect against infection”.
To start the timed wash programme:-
- To operate, place your hands in the bowl by the sensor and the automatic sensor will start to flash, beginning the wash/rinse cycle.
- Water will be dispensed for 3 seconds to enable hands to be wetted.
- Apply soap and lather thoroughly for a period of 20 seconds.
- At the end of that time, warm water will be dispensed for 10 seconds to enable soap to be washed off the hands. Water is dispensed at a temperature of 38-40ºC.
- Remove hands from the bowl and dry with a paper towel. The Hygienius ProWash will automatically reset ready for the next user.
- The total wash time is approximately 35 seconds.
The wash is initiated by the automatic sensor when hands are placed in the bowl, resulting in a low pressure fully hygienic spray wash. The wash programme ensures that water use is highly efficient.
The unique twin bag TEALtainer water container ensures that fresh and waste water are kept separate and hygienically contained at all times.
Download the Hygienius ProWash fact sheet »
EC Declaration of Conformity (PDF document) »
What’s included?
The Hygienius ProWash comes complete with;
- TEALtainer II water container
- Paper towel holder (stainless steel)
- ‘C’ bracket for TEAL soap dispenser (stainless steel)