Tag Archives: hand washing

Handwashing advocated to help prevent the “hidden pandemic”

There are growing fears regarding antibiotic-resistant infections The number of registered drug resistant infections actually [...]

How nail techs want you to wash your hands

Focus on scrubbing the nails – and drying properly It’s absolutely vital to make full [...]

Hygiene standards are crucial for street food traders – wherever they are!

Hand washing facilities are vital – in any location Hand washing importance has become more [...]

Handwashing message still not sufficiently robust as people fail to protect themselves – and others

Strong messaging regarding the effect on others has been suggested People around the globe have [...]

HACCP methodology reveals crucial role payed by handwashing in catering sector

Combatting the near 2.5 million foodborn illnesses a year in the UK A system first deployed [...]

Why hand hygiene is SO vital when you’re cooking

Food poisoning can be avoided in many cases… As everyone comes to terms with the [...]

Hand washing with soap and water call to nail technicians and beauticians

Sanitisers are not suitable on their own to ensure clean hands Ards and North Down [...]