Tag Archives: hand washing

Hand washing the key for E. coli control – particularly in care homes

Soap and water vital in the battle against antibiotic resistance The spread of a “key [...]

Flu in care homes: hand washing with soap and water is essential for everyone

Deadly flu virus kills nursing home residents An Ayr care home was closed to further [...]

Handwashing a focus for British athletes – wherever they’re training

Hand hygiene emphasis “in the hunt for marginal gains” British athletes will soon be instructed in [...]

Street food continues to expand in the UK – but handwashing facilities are vital

Being a street food vendor provides many opportunities says report Street food has made a [...]

Survey: almost 50% of workers think they’ve fallen ill because of poor office hygiene

Beware of workstations and telephones says report A worrying recent story from Australia has referred [...]

Wash with soap and water: hand sanitisers “may not be as effective as people think”

Sanitisers must evaporate to work effectively says GP Germs carrying the influenza virus can withstand [...]

Street food’s lasting impact on UK dining habits

Now over 2,000 separate businesses Street food on a larger scale has been with us [...]