Tag Archives: soap and water
Why soap and water hand washing is preferable to gels
Hand sanitiser isn’t too good at actually sanitising it seems… It’s quite a common scenario [...]
Antibac gel vs soap and water – which was the winner?
“If it was my choice I would go with hand washing” Doctors Chris and Xand [...]
Norovirus alerts around the UK – why you should wash with soap and water
Infection control centres around effective hand hygiene The warning that “Only hand-washing will prevent spread [...]
Hand washing focus in New Zealand with Patient Safety Week
An array of “cute” germs highlights the targeted illnesses Patient safety is deemed to be [...]
Why hand washing is essential in a business environment
How soap and water are “good for wellbeing and business” Business gains as well as [...]
Why you’re washing your hands incorrectly – and you shouldn’t rely on the sanitiser
Avoiding the ‘hand washing mistakes’ Hand washing is one of the most simple yet important [...]
“Make sure you’re not making common hand-washing mistakes”
NHS Choices emphasise the importance of soap and water – used properly It seems that [...]
Why you should always wash your hands with soap and water…
You don’t need “fancy soaps” – just the right technique! The World Health Organization (WHO) [...]