Tag Archives: soap and water
Antibacterial soap has “disadvantages as well as being ineffective”
Why resistance to antibacterial ingredients leaves soap and water as the preferred choice Evidence is [...]
Soap and water sees off antibacterial soap – permanently!
Antibacterial hand wash will “disappear from shelves within a year” The United States Food and [...]
Soap and water hand wash far more effective than alcohol gels
“Alcohol-based hand rub cannot penetrate organic material” There are many instances when washing hands with [...]
Infection prevention – hand washing is “key factor”
The importance of hand washing – wherever you are Washing hands with soap and water [...]
Hand washing – “Reach for the plain old soap” says infectious diseases expert
Is there a case for ‘antibacterial’ hand sanitisers? Australian infectious diseases expert warns of the [...]
Arrowe Park Hospital – soap and water focus during norovirus outbreak
Infection prevention measure successfully implemented by Wirral health chiefs An outbreak of norovirus brought Jill Galvani [...]